You may soon have to pay to see Instagram posts

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    Would you pay to see the content on Instagram? The owner of the social media platform thinks you can.

    The Meta company is introducing a pilot program that allows a small group of test creators of a certain group for exclusive Instagram live and story content.

    They can pay up to 99 cents up to $ 100 a month.

    For now, all the money will go to the creators of the material, but Meta, who also owns Facebook, will start getting some, starting next year. CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the company will not hold on to creators more than 30%.

    Instagram is not a social platform that has experimented with free subscriptions. For several months, even Twitter has created an option that their creators up to $ 10 for exclusive content.

    The most popular social platform that offers this type of service is OnlyFans, where creators often post photos and videos just for adults.
